DivE-Q Event: New workshop “Mastering Communication Challenges ‐ Conducting Difficult Conversations” – Registration open
In most situations our communication is successful: we feel comfortable with it, understanding
and progress take place: collaboration works, tasks are completed, goals are achieved, and solutions
to problems are found. Nevertheless it happens that people find themselves in situations
with others that they experience as very difficult and challenging, where suddenly the problem is
in the foreground and feelings such as insecurity, anger, disappointment, frustration or powerlessness
impair or even prevent an objective‐constructive approach to the situation.
In this workshop we shed light on the topic of communication from different perspectives, supported
by appropriate models and best practice approaches. Therefore we will integrate case
studies, but also concrete examples and exercises from your current work situation. The goal is
that you together with the other participants will get to know new approaches so that you can further
develop your communication competencies.
Dr. Silke Oehrlein‐Karpi has been working as a coach and a trainer for scientists since 2008. Before
becoming a coach, she led a project group for the Collaborative Research Centre 490 in Mainz.
During those 10 years, she worked as a biologist in the field of medical basic research and gained a
lot of experience in setting up and successfully leading scientific projects. In terms of her current
work, she uses this “insider knowledge” and the insights in the academic world through the exchange
with several thousand individuals during the last 11 years. Her group coaching workshops
inspire, motivate and empower the participants in order to boost their self‐efficacy and proactivity
regarding upcoming work situations and projects. She is a member of the Coachingnetz
Wissenschaft e.V.
When and Where
Thursday, 17th November 2022 and Friday, 18th November 2022, every day from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Participant limit: 8
Course language: English
Register here:
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