DivE-Q Event: New workshop “Supervisory Work & Leadership” – Registration open
Leadership means giving people direction and motivating them to achieve defined goals by giving their best. Leadership does not follow a specific recipe; instead, it is a complex process based on personal experience as a leader and as a person being led. The development of leadership skills depends on the context, the situation, and the people involved. Due to the different and changing challenges, leaders acquire skills and principles over time; they establish their own leadership profile. Leadership will be successful if the leader is willing to reflect on his or her own personality and situations arising from everyday leadership and to deal responsibly and appropriately with themselves (self-leadership) and the demands of everyday leadership. Scientists often follow their vocation with enthusiasm, readiness for action and high intrinsic motivation. Leadership is important in very different settings (e.g. bottom-up, top-down, lateral, formal/informal, interdisciplinary, -cultural, same site, different site, online/on-site). There is not necessarily an awareness of the responsibility that the role as a leader, as partner or as team member entails. There is also often a lack of role models to orient one’s leadership behaviour.
In this workshop, you will …
- find out which leadership style suits you best and receive an appropriate “toolbox”
- develop solutions not only for the classic bottom-up principle, but also leadership from below and lateral leadership
- get an overview of different leadership models (TCI, GRPI) and tools (self-leadership, delegation, etc.) that support your own leadership role
- be encouraged to manage complex processes confidently and pragmatically
- be encouraged to reflect on which of your competencies you are already using and what you can do in addition to be or become a respected, responsible and confident leader
- be able to establish a direct link to your everyday work by a mixture of short theoretical inputs and small practical exercises
When and where
Face-to-face meeting in Erlangen
Monday, 06th March 2023, 1.30 – 5.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 07th March 2023, 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Seminar Rooms, 1st floor, Palmeria Mitarbeiterkantine, Ulmenweg 18, 91054
Further information
Language: English
Target group: Interested young scientists
Participant limit: 12
Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi studied Biology at the University of Mainz and received her doctorate degree from the Institute of Physiological Chemistry at Mainz University in 1998. She proceeded to work at the University of Mainz and between 2006 and 2008 she was a subproject leader in a special research area. She also supervised and coached scientific doctoral candidates and students during this time.
She completed numerous advanced training courses in the field of coaching and managing and has been working as a professional coach and trainer since 2008.
Register here:
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