DivE-Q Event: Interactive Talk on “The Unconscious Bias” – January 25th 2022

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Within the initiatives of QuCoLiMa for gender and diversity, the Saarbrücken team and the team of the “Gleichstellungsbüro” at Saarland University organize an online “Interactive Talk” on

The Unconscious Bias
(identify unconscious thought patterns and stereotypes and raise awareness of diversity among employees and managers)

The talk is offered by the “Europäische Akademie für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft” (EAF, Berlin). The talk is scheduled for January 25th, it is interactive, it is open to all QuCoLiMa members, it starts from 1pm, it ends at approximately at 4pm. The language is English.

Note that the talk will be followed by a workshop, that will take place online on February 16th.
Details about the workshop will be provided soon.

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The Unconscious Bias

To be successful, companies need to attract and retain the best talent in the long term. In doing so, they are hindered by one crucial factor: Unconscious Bias – unconscious thought patterns – that influence our decisions and are barriers to diversity in companies.

Our subconscious puts people into pigeonholes: These are necessary to simplify the immense complexity of our environment. These thought patterns lead us to find people who resemble us sympathetic. At the same time, we are initially suspicious of the unfamiliar and take mental shortcuts by automatically filling in missing information about others. This reduces diversity in organisations because it influences who gets hired, gets promoted or takes the next career step.

The aim of the Unconscious Bias workshops is to raise awareness of cognitive shortcuts and compartmentalisation. With a mixture of information, experience, discussion and joint strategy development, the workshops aim to clarify cognitive modes of operation, raise awareness of diversity and develop sustainable approaches for one’s own practice.

The workshop content is conveyed in a methodically interactive and varied way. The work is practice- and experience-oriented in small groups or in plenary sessions to encourage a change of perspective and reflection through dialogue and discussion.
